Sunday 11 December 2022

Hobbyist's "Handful of History" is Generated by Trashing Everyone's Past

I stumbled across a post on social media where a metal detectorist has shown off publicly part of their finds (Posted by u/MidlifecyclistUK  3 years ago:A handful of history! My silver hammered coins dug up over the last few years. 

What kind of "History" is this? Serious question. The objects in his hand are merely a tangible illustration of a "history" that is known and knowable from the written sources, both primary and secondary. In the archaeological record, their positions and associations from which this anonymous collector has removed them to make this loose collection of trophies to boast about, carried a great deal of information about the past that will now never be known. Note the total lack in the photo of  any means of labelling the items, associating individual items with their field documentation.

How is a Portable Antiquities Scheme hoping to get through to people like this? What are they doing to reach these areas of the artefact hunting and collecting hobbies? If it is not working, what are they doing to change their approach? Serious question, they've cost us millions. 

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