Friday 9 August 2024

Gobekli Tepe: YouTuber Rudely Tells the Arkies What's What

"You sound like a dumb person for 
being content with the total lack of excavations -
and the fact that a full excavation has been 
deferred to future generations" (Jimmy Corsetti)

Former US soldier with no archaeological competence, now YouTube personality:
Jimmy Corsetti @BrightInsight6 · 15h
It is a matter of FACT that full-scale excavations of GOBEKLI TEPE have been indefinitely postponed, despite only ~5-10% excavated.
Any archaeologist, anthropologist or academic of history that’s not denouncing this crime is either corrupt, incompetent, or a coward.
This is not at all any kind of "bright insight", in fact it's rather myopic. Rather, I would say, let us have a full publication of this complex site up to the present state of excavation, some proper discussion of the techniques and results, before trying to tackle any more. I think there are some fundamental questions about the way the stratigraphy and phasing have been handled, and I think there needes to be some stock-taking done. No more excavation until this has been done/, please.

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