Friday 16 August 2024

US Right-Wing Conspiracists on ISIL Destruction in Iraq

American conservative political commentator, author, activist, and television presenter Candace Owens Farmer writes:

Candace Owens @RealCandaceO 5:36 PM · Aug 15, 2024 ·
Sometimes I think perpetual war in the Middle East is about destroying what remains of the ancient world so they can continue to sell us fairytales about what has happened and where we come from.

Orwellian quest to fully control the narrative by making placing history into the hands of those who print the textbooks.
Textbooks that I am going to guess she's never read, because the enemies are "they" who make "textbooks". People who've read her stuff conclude for example, that "Candace Owens is certain the Bible is the only place we look to understand the world, denies evolution, and believes scientists are satanists". As Professor Bill Farley notes " Pseudoarchaeology is on the verge of becoming a pillar of conservative thought". Of course in the USA it always has with Biblical literalism (creationism, the anti-evolution Snopes trial, belief in ancient giants, quests for evidence of the Flood and Noah’s Ark etc). It was the same with the refusal to acknowledge that the Moundbuilders were indigenous but rather the Lost Tribes of Israel (see also the "Book of Mormon"). This type of conservatism with its inbuilt xenophobia, chauvenisms and racism fosters the development of pseudoscience to mirror and bolster such views. Then we get the skull-measuring and claims of "vanished white master civilisations" behind any progress made by the non-white inhabitants of this planet. Wherever there’s pseudoscience of this kind there’s almost invariably racism. Jimmy Corsetti @BrightInsight6 · 12h was actually stationed there in the ill-fated and ill-advised US-led invasion of Iraq but still does not understand what was going on:
"ISIS invaded Iraq with an entire FLEET of new vehicles. Who paid for these I wonder? 🤔 And who trained them?// Who paid ISIS to destroy the ancient ruins of the Biblical city of Nineveh, in Mosul, Iraq?? They went in on a mission. They brought in heavy machinery and jackhammers. This was coordinated and funded. Why? 🤔
1.7min views
Actually, far from bringing in anything, ISIS was in occupation of Mosul (ie right next to Nineveh/Kalhu) since 10 June 2014 and the destruction took place between January and the end of August 2015. The looting of antiquities had a lonbger timespan - began under US rule (Corsetti seems to have been there c. 2009 when it was already in full flow).

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