Saturday, 25 January 2025

"Artefacts Safer in Western Collections Than in their Homelands" (Eh?) [UPDATED]

We often hear the above from the pro-collecting lobby... but reality...
Arthur Brand (art detective) @brand_arthur · 9h
Breaking: Last night thieves entered the Drents Museum in Assen, The Netherlands, with the use of explosives. They got away with precious objects from the exhibition 'Dacia - Realm of Gold and Silver'. The display features treasures from the ancient kingdom of Dacia. What a horror
They took three gold bracelets (artefacts with a story of their own concerning the antiquities trade) and the iconic gold helmet of Cotofenesti, which was the centrepiece of the exhibition. Basically, nowhere is safe from the greed of the antiquities market. This was a high-security display, explosives had to be used to get the cases open. This looks to me like a theft-to-order. 

Archaeological gold stolen from Dutch museum The Brussels Times Saturday 25 January 2025 

'Theft from the Dacian Treasure: The contract included 24-hour security. The insurance for the entire exhibition amounts to 30 million euros' 26.01.2025 

At least 15 Romanian museums had lent items to the Dutch museum for the exhibition.  There is no mention of whether any of the security staff that would have been guarding the museum at the time were injured. Since explosives were used, and  Assen-Weiersstraat Police Station is just 600m away, the thieves probably did not have much time before there was a patrol car on the scene. Probably the whole thing was planned down to the last second. It really looks like a theft-to-order.

Dutch museums and galleries have been targeted by thieves in the past – including in November when works by artist Andy Warhol were taken, as well as a Van Gogh stolen from a museum in 2020.

1 comment:

David Knell said...

I doubt very much that the items were stolen for the antiquities market. They are too well published and recognisable.

I suspect the theft motive was the oldest of all time - the intrinsic value of the metal - and sadly the items will soon be melted down.

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