Thursday, 30 January 2025

Three arrested for Assen museum heist, artefacts missing

Agence France-Presse, 'Three arrested in Romanian artifacts heist at Dutch museum' AFP Jan 30, 2025

On Saturday, four gold objects on loan from Romanian collections were stolen in a showy break-in at the Drents Museum in Assen during which the thieves used explosives to get into the building. An intensive four-day manhunt followed, involving a team of approximately 30 to 35 detectives and specialists working on the case. The pressure on the police has been  immense. The police have now arrested three suspects for the spectacular heist. The arrests were made after the police received a tipoff. The stolen objects have not been recovered. A museum director lost his job as a result of the theft.
"The suspects are held under strict conditions and are being questioned about their role in the heist," Dutch police said in a statement, adding, "Further arrests are not being excluded." [...] Dutch police launched a large-scale probe into the heist, and earlier Wednesday released a photograph of another suspect wanted in connection with the case.
The Drents Museum welcomed the arrests, which were made in the small northwest Dutch city of Heerhugowaard, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of Amsterdam.

On Sunday, authorities had revealed that the robbers used a Volkswagen Golf stolen in Alkmaar. On Monday, two hammers were discovered nearby, which police believe were used in the heist. 

The pieces are of enormous cultural-historical value to Romania. The theft has led to a lot of political turmoil in Romania and a diplomatic row with the Netherlands.

Other reports:

Three arrested for Assen museum gold heist, artifacts missing' Dutch News January 29, 2025.

Mick van Wely, ' Politie pakt drie verdachten op voor goudroof Drents Museum' Die Telegraaf 29.01.2025.


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