Monday 2 July 2012

Detecting Under the Microscope: Tekkies Hate Them, so "That Makes Tekkies OK" Then?

On reading the Yorkshire Post article about fighting illicit artefact hunting in the UK cited in the two posts below, west Wales detectorist "Tombs" comments on a metal detecting forum:
its about time that they actually do some thing about this. lets hope that they recognize the fact that most MD,s hate nighthawking as much or more than the archeologists.*
Now I'd very much like to hear Mr Tombs (not a real name) explain where artefact hunting done with Farmer Giles agreeing to split the value of the dugup finds from the archaeological sites on his land fifty:fifty is in any way different (in terms of the damage done to the archaeological record of those sites) from clandestine illicit artefact hunting. Selective, unsystematic and poorly documented removal of evidence from a finite and fragile historical resource is Time Banditry in almost every country in the world, why is it not in Great Britain? "It's legal innit?" is not the explanation I seek.

*  (Wow, look at the "grocer's comma" plural!)

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