Tuesday 5 March 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: History Hunter gets What he Wanted

Metal detector using artefact hunter "Doyley" no doubt claims when he goes asking for permission to artefact hunt on somebody's land almost certainly stresses that he's very keen on learning about the history of a place, and not-in-it-fer-the-munny. recently he approached a landowner, no doubt trying on the same old spiel and this time got an answer he was not expecting (Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:52 pm).
Thank you for your email and for your interest in our land at [...]. Unfortunately, I’m not able to give permission for you to access our land at this time. [...] If we ever decide to progress new housing at this location, we will first be required to conduct a comprehensive archaeological assessment ahead of submitting any planning application. If and when this occurs, I would be happy to share the findings of any such assessment with you.
I bet that made his day. I suspect the company's "Director of Strategic Land" was unusual among the British public in that, despite fifteen years of PAS "outreach" on behalf of its "partners", he has a very good idea what artefact hunting and what it is not. 

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