Sunday 4 May 2014

More Rabid Dealer-Funded Nonsense: Glasgow Specifically "Anti-American"?

As part of his dealer-funded "lobbying", Peter Tompa now accuses Lawyer and archaeologist Tessa Davis  and the Glasgow University where she works studying global antiquities looting and trafficking:
It seems like Ms. Davis relies on more than a few boogymen [sic] to make her point. In fact, that seems to be an unfortunate hallmark of her otherwise excellent writing these days. Indeed, one really has to wonder whether she works at a foreign research center as is claimed or one specializing in anti-American repatria[t]ionist advocacy.
Perhaps Mr Tompa might like to look at the list of researchers of the Glasgow Trafficking Culture and note how many of them came over to Europe from the USA.... What is "anti-American" about advocating that stolen art displayed in American museums should not remain there? I'd say it was US "anti-World" retentionist advocacy which is the problem.

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