Friday 2 May 2014

Only Interested in the History? Straight from the Ground, into the Coinshop? Buy British.

It seems some dealers see great opportunities in the lax British laws on artefact hunting and the unregulated antiquities market. Here is a coin the seller quite happily tells potential buyers is from High Cross (Venonis) in Leicestershire:
For your consideration is a British found, ancient roman period and origin, republican issue dating to circa.100 B.C, AR Silver composition, denarius coin. Both obverse and reverse sides display much of their original raised detail & images. The coin is presented in VF ( very fine ) grade. Monogram / legend and all images can be seen with further clarity when the coin is in the hand. The coin remains uncleaned and in as found condition.
Saxby's Coins (Benjamin Stocks, Polesworth, Staffs). Buy British, Buy with confidence. The PAS monitors eBay sales of ground-dug artefacts of precious metals. What could go wrong?


ju said...

Ah, Saxbys! One of the most disreputable 'coin dealers' around. Everything 'found in Britain' when, in actual fact, it isn't as he buys in from USA or Europe then redescribes them!

Almost certainly not a coin found here as the grade is far too high.

Paul Barford said...

What? A coin dealer who does not tell the truth about the goods he sells? The very idea!! Go and wash your mouth out with soap young Ju...

Then click on the photo and when you see a larger version, tell me if you think it's a coin at all.

And it's such a "solid sounding name"...

Ed Snible said...

42 BC, L Livineius Regulus, depicts Julius Ceasar.. If genuine, a $2000+ coin.

Paul Barford said...

Thanks, this one 20p unless he can find somebody who'll give him eight quid (or more)....

Mrs. D said...

I purchased a King Richard lll silver penny from Saxby's coins and the renowned numismatist Clive Knipe from Historic Coins informed me that the coin I purchased was an Edward lll instead of King Richard lll. Edward lll is worth about 80.00 dollars and I paid close to a thousand dollars and of course I got scammed. Very upset that Saxby coins HAS NOT RESPONDED TO MY COMPLAINT.

Paul Barford said...

Caveat emptor I guess, the 'Dicky Three scam' is an easy one to pull off - and frequently is by certain eBay scam artists. I hope you manage to get in touch with this dealer and he acknowledges that he 'might have been mistaken' in this instance and when he gets the coin back puts it on sale under the proper identification. Possibly better to spend your thousand dollars at a more reliable dealer.

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