Friday, 3 April 2020

Who is Buying this?

Seller azulluna1377 (105 ) from Noblesville, Indiana, United States has an ' Augustus Ancient Roman Empire AR Silver Denarius 19 BC Signis Receptis RARE! WOW' finishing soon. Six bids at the moment. eBay item number:143568631920  "Ships to: United States See exclusions Seller does not accept returns". I cant imagine why these jerks have to write things like "rare" not only in capitals but with an explanation mark, especially as below the puerile "WOW", he makes the attempt to make it look as he's a real professional, listing all the item's attributes (but in fact merely repeating himself)
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Up for sale is a very rare Ancient Roman Empire AR Denarius Emperor Augustus. This coin celebrates the return of the standard of the fifth legion to Rome. This was uncovered in an actual archaeological dig! Own a piece of history!
Roman Imperial Coinage Catalog Number: Unknown[...]

Emperor Summary
Augustus (Latin: Imperator Caesar Divi filius Augustus;[nb 1] 23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14) was a Roman statesman and military leader who became the first emperor of the Roman Empire, reigning from 27 BC until his death in AD 14.[nb 2] His status as the founder of the Roman Principate has consolidated an enduring legacy as one of the most effective and controversial leaders in human history.[1][2] The reign of Augustus initiated an era of relative peace known as the Pax Romana. The Roman world was largely free from large-scale conflict for more than two centuries, despite continuous wars of imperial expansion on the Empire's frontiers and the year-long civil war known as the "Year of the Four Emperors" over the imperial succession.
(and quite a few annexations, here and there). The latter narrativisation - undeleted footnotes and all is ripped from Wikipedia. Instead of telling his buyers what they can all read for themselves if they can use a computer, maybe this dealer might like to reveal something of the collecting history of this item. Which "actual archaeological dig" was it found on, and why then did it end up on the market? Crooked archies? Names, dates?

Now, interestingly, his past customers are not all that impressed by his "professionalism". He's been getting quite a few negative feedbacks, but eBay is not bothered in checking whether its true:

I think there are one or two that don't, to my eye, look 'right' while others, including ones labelled fakes by the feedback leavers don't look (as far as the poor photos allow us to see) all that bad. I'd like to see them in the hand. Note the Roman SIS 'grot' of Licinius that has been suggested is fake. But I'd draw attention to the bidding patterns on a lot of this dealer's coins, a bit ... um... 'characteristic'. I think somebody should take an interest in a dealer that declares he is selling material taken from an archaeological project archive. What's going on? 

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