Tuesday 7 July 2020

"The Ezeldeen Taha Eldarir Collection": Arte Primitivo and a mass of Jelly-Baby Shabtis (18th Sept 2019)

Arte Primitivo has some more items from Mr Eldarir's grandfather's old collection:
09/18/2019 Time Remaining: Closed
499. Egyptian Faience Ushabtis (228)
Estimate: $15,000-$20,000 Current High Bid: $11,500.00 Auction Closed(Final Price) $11,500.00
Category: Antiquities
Sub Category: Egypt - Late Period
Culture or Country: Egypt.
Period: Late Period, ca. 700-30 B.C.
Size: 2” to 4-1/2”H.
Description: Group of 228 glazed faience pottery ushabtis of various sizes and types, several with glyph registers down their front legs. Most have weathering a some glaze wear and imperfections, otherwise intact. A great lot for dealers.
Provenance: Sold to Ezeldeen Taha Eldarir from Salahaddin Sirmali on 5/15/1930. Authenticated and appraised by Mr. Hossen Rashed, head of the Egyptian Antiquities house.

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