Wednesday 3 January 2024

Metal Detectorist on Alleged Museum Storeroom Thefts

"my last post got deleted when I mentioned the name that can’t be mentioned mate, he gana walk free, his defence will be he took all the stuff home to “study” during lockdown, you would think a national institution like BM would have rules in place to stop stuff like that, but watch this space".
Yep. We are watching. Taking a long time too. AND the missing Oxyrhynchus pappys case - what's happening there? The things just vanish? And the missing objects from the British Museum, reportedly sold off on eBay? There seem to be an awful lot of antiquities that just become invisible in sleazy-old "Great" Britain when convenient among the 'old-boys' for institutional face-saving. I'm with the tekkies on this one. I think we all should hear what they know about this case.

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