Friday 4 September 2015

Artefact Hunter Jailed for False Reports

Artefact hunter
Vincent Woolsgrove
lied about findspot
Agency 'Diver jailed for plundering sunken ship's historical artefacts', Telegraph 04 Sep 2015
A "deceitful" diver who lied to authorities about where he found £46,000 worth of 17th century cannons which are now "lost to the nation" was jailed for two years. Vincent Woolsgrove, 49, "persistently misled" the Crown after claiming he found the extremely rare Dutch bronze armada cannons in international waters. However, it was later revealed he found them on the Royal Navy flagship HMS London, which was in the Thames Estuary - just off Chatham, Kent. Woolsgrove, who acted "dishonestly", sold three of them to an American collector at auction for £46,000 and they are now in a garden in Florida, USA.[...] The court also heard he had an "Aladdin's Cave" of different artefacts from wrecks found in his garden, house and girlfriend's home valued at £116,000.
and metal detectorists who 'launder' finds by misreporting findspots to the PAS?

The American collector who bought the stolen cannon was “disinclined to return them to England”, but then as stolen heritage items, the US authorities should be investigating.But of course they have signed no CCPIA cultural property MOU with the UK.... About time they did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Them that ask no questions isn't told a lie. Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by. In fact, backslap them.

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