Tuesday 29 September 2015

More Becchina material Surfaces in Christie's

Tsirogiannis: Christies' upcoming sale in London 
 It appears that Christie's has not conducted a sufficiently rigorous due diligence process to identify material from the Becchina archive. Will the auction house be withdrawing the lots prior to the sale?
Vignette: slippery business, antiquities

1 comment:

lalbertson said...

Its interesting that Christie's London hasn't been exactly forthcoming with details on these pieces origins while Christie's New York is currently on the stage at the Met Museum for the #HeritageInPeril symposium talking about the issues surrounding conflict antiquities.

If we cannot stop illicit Italian antiquities from coming to auction with the amount of photographic evidence of looting we have from cases like the Becchina, how will the art market protect objects looted in Syria and Iraq.

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