Monday 4 November 2019

No Legislation to Protect Looters in EU

From FB Fudgeworld metal Detecting Hideout:
Tibor Lengyel 22 years,1000 brooches..... 
he shows 20 images, just one of a blizzard of brooches gives a good enough idea.

The "responsible metal detectorist" response on Mr Fudge's group's page? Horror at the destruction of so many archaeological contexts to generate the bragging rights to a table-top of unlabelled archaeological artefacts? A reflective observation that in brooches alone, that's 150% of the figure that Heritage Action established for their artefact counter as an average annual recordable artefact haul for a UK metal detectorist?* Not exactly:
Gabriele Negro in Italy with all those pieces you would be accused of being responsible for the black traffic of archaeological goods, here there is no legislation to protect those who practice this hobby, everything and everything is forbidden and it would take many authorizations, moreover all the objects found with more than 50 years must be delivered to the authorities. 
No "legislation to protect Collection-driven exploitation of the archaeological record" in Negro's Italy?  Are our hearts bleeding when we see the scale of damage that an individual with a metal detector and spade can do?

* Now see here

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