Sunday 3 November 2019

Such a Shame, Who Should be Ashamed?

Such a shame writes a FLO on Twitter:
(Baffled Prehistorian) Peter Reavill@PeterReavill·1 lis
Such a shame the headline isn't: "metal detectorist discovers an amazing 2000 year old coin, records it with @findsorguk so we can all share the knowledge and excitement".
We all need to work at changing this narrow agenda where novelty and money drive public perception of archaeology
James Dilley@ancientcraftUK · 1 lis
Metal detectorist finds an Iron Age coin depicting an intricate noble horse worth £380 just hours into his first search
For goodness' sake! "We all need to work at changing the public perception of archaeology?" Surely what we need is a special archaeological organisation, employing about 50 people to work with the public and do precisely that. Maybe it'll take 20 years? Oh, wait a moment.... there's the @findsorguk [Portable Antiquities Scheme]! Mr Reavill, you need to contact them!

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