Wednesday 7 October 2020

What Does an "Archaeological Survey" look like?

 The enemy does not sleep, even in a pandemic.

Alert: Suspicious communications displaying old CBA branding17 June 2020

We have received notification of a letter circulating in the North of England requesting access to properties for a proposed 'archaeological survey'. It displays older versions of both the CBA and CBA North logos, as well as those of other established archaeological organisations. Please be aware that this is a malicious communication and has nothing to do with the CBA, CBA North or any other reputable organisation.

We advise caution when in receipt of any letter, call or email of this nature, especially if they request access to property or other personal information. If you are in any doubt about a communication claiming to be from the CBA, please contact us at
Presumably these letters had a return address (to send permissions to), so why were these "malicious communication" impersonating "established archaeological organisations" not followed up? One possibility comes to mind is that should anyone say yes, a carload of scruffy blokes with metal detectors would turn up to do this "survey". What a shame that the UK does not have a public-funded scheme with fifty people engaged in archaeological outreach to members of the British public so that everybody would actually know the difference between archaeology and artefact hunting, so they'd not be conned by scruffy hoikers. 

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