Tuesday 31 January 2023

Treasures of the Crimea Belong in Ukraine

Crimean Tatar Resource Center (ctrcenter), 'Scythian gold should be transferred to Ukraine – Attorney General of the Netherlands' January 30, 2023.
The Attorney General of the Netherlands, Paul Flas, decided that the Scythian gold should be transferred to Ukraine. This is stated in the conclusion published by the Supreme Court of the kingdom.
The document notes that the decision made earlier by the Amsterdam Court of Appeal to transfer the collection to Kyiv may be upheld, and the cassation complaint of the Crimean museums should be rejected.
“The arguments presented by the Crimean museums, in particular that the decision violates the first protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights, are invalid, and the decision of the Court of Appeal to transfer the exhibits to Ukraine is based on the current code of national laws and serves legitimate public interests”,- the prosecutor said.
We remind you that on October 26, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal announced the decision on the ownership of Scythian gold – archaeological monuments of Ukraine, taken to the exhibition at the Allard Pearson Museum in the Netherlands back in 2014, before the occupation of Crimea.
What is interesting is that this verdict on a cultural property dispute is one of the first international judicial decisions on the legality of Russia's annexation of Crimea. Nice to see 'archaeology' leading the way for once. I do, however, feel that we have not heard the last of this - at least as long as Crimea remains occupied.

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