Sunday 1 January 2023

Waiting for a Coiney Explanation

Dr Graham Rawson (@RawsonGraham) PAS recorder South and West Yorks "and finder of stuff" does archaeological outreach on international social media:
Dr Graham Rawson (@RawsonGraham) 6 g.
To all #detectorists out there, a very Hammy New Year! Here's my own favourite find, recorded in the past year @findsorguk with @SWYOR_FLO . A penny of Henry I, c. 1117, full face/cross fleury type, BMC 10, only the fourth PAS-recorded found in the North:
There are also four others - apparently unrecorded by PAS - on eBay right at this moment. I really do not see the point of this use of social media by PAS staff. "Hey look at this!" is the only message the public gets from this. Let's see what this gets:
Paul Barford @PortantIssues W odpowiedzi do @RawsonGraham @findsorguk i @SWYOR_FLO
Aha, I see, it's on the database, now please in the spirit of outreach and encouraging "best practice", run us through what that means. Please.

What about this loose 5 zloty coin found by a Warsaw bus stop this morning? What archaeological info would a "record" of that locating it in space give us?

To be clear, I asked about the archaeological information this loose item gives. Not what anyone who knows the language can say about the writing and image on it.

Don't hold your breath while waiting, anyone. This is the PAS after all. 


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