Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Got Fed up With Antiquities

The Musée d’Art Classique de Mougins announces an exciting new artistic direction Published on: 21/06/23

Starting Spring 2024: The MACM will become a dedicated venue for Modern & Contemporary Art Exhibitions
The Musée d’Art Classique de Mougins will become THE MUSÉE D’ART CONTEMPORAIN DE MOUGINS
Christian Levett, the founder and owner of the Mougins Museum of Classical Art, is to give the museum a complete facelift, closing it as a classical art museum on 31st August 2023, and reopening as an exhibition museum in spring 2024, displaying rotating shows of modern & contemporary art. [...] Christian Levett said [...] I have been a passionate collector for over a quarter century now, and as my collecting & art research interests matured over the years, I believe that it is now time for the museum to evolve as well. [...]

The Mougins Museum has been open daily to the public for the past 12 years, and up to now has showcased Levett’s visionary curation juxtaposing ancient art from Egypt, Greece & Rome with classically inspired artworks from neoclassical, modern & contemporary periods. [...] Over the last 28 years since Levett started collecting, his interests have interchanged cross-category, and he has put together some of the world’s most impressive modern & contemporary collections in several different fields. Going forward, exhibitions at the museum will feature a mix of works from The Christian Levett Collection, and works on loan from other museums, galleries, foundations and the artists themselves, creating huge flexibilityand significant space for the new rota of expositions.
It is not clear what will happen to his antiquities, it seems he has been selling some of them off.

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