Friday 14 July 2023

Polish 'Sejm' Votes for the Metal Detectorists' Vote


A proposed law liberalising (just) metal detecting has been voted through the Polish Sejm (Parliament), it now goes to the Senate. Here, for the record is the results of the voting, who is responsible for this.

Here's a video of the detectorist behind it Jacek Wielgus with the two politicians that 'fronted' it (but there is, I am told, another story underneath). It does not matter what these people are saying, remember the faces and names. Wikipedia does not give a very full picture of Pawel Kukiz (the haggard talkative one in the middle)  and Jarosław Sahajko (the red tie guy who seems in a hurry to get away from his association with this) is a bit of a second-plane player so far, and after this heritage-trashing move, let him stay there. Polski-speakers can see the political context, elections coming up soon.  .

Posted on You Tube by Polski Związek Eksploratorów 4 hours ago

At least one Polish metal detectorist watching this is not as lemming-like as the rest :
@adamm5 @adamm5 2 hours ago
Nie chcę nic mówić ale z Kukizem wstydził bym się zrobić nagranie. Ten człowiek jest chwiejny niczym chorągiewka na wietrze, nie wspominając o braku kręgosłupa. 😂😂
The rest of them have not thought this through at all and what its consequences are going to be. I'd say in the longer term this is going to be a very good case of being careful what you wish for. Watch this space.


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