Thursday, 8 April 2010

Bulldozing in Luxor sweeps away part of its character

LUXOR, Egypt (Reuters) - In the dusty streets behind the pasha's grand villa, bulldozers and forklifts are tearing into the city where Agatha Christie found inspiration and Howard Carter unearthed Tutankhamun. Egypt has already cleared out Luxor's old bazaar, demolished thousands of homes and dozens of
Belle Epoque buildings in a push to transform the site of the ancient capital Thebes into a huge open-air museum. Officials say the project will preserve temples and draw more tourists, but the work has outraged archaeologists and architects who say it has gutted Luxor's more recent heritage [...].

For the full article, see Alexander Dziadosz, Bulldozers overhaul Luxor, city of pashas and pharaohs, Reuters Thu Apr 1, 2010.

It is not just the above-ground monuments being shattered by this ill-advised municipal project.

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