Paul Joseph Watson (Prison and InfoWar) Friday, February 26, 2010 writes:
It strikes me that if we replace the words "carbon dioxide" with "antiquities" and "scientists" by "archaeologists" and do a bit of tweaking, we have here the blueprint for many an ACCG anti-UNESCO Convention / anti preservationist declaration.
They have their leaked "policy documents" from the FOI which "reveal" some "conspiracy" to create a “preservationist world order”, part of the "archaeologists' insidious plan to centralize power, crush sovereignty while devastating the economic basis of the indiscriminate antiquities market". The ACCG and its followers claim the "looted antiquities heist" is merely part of the "UN’s agenda to create a world government". Toward achieving this aim, it uses as justification "the vehemently debunked hoax that the indiscriminate market in antiquities is a deadly threat to the global archaelogical record". Meanwhile, :""t he very foundation of the looting argument has been completely eviscerated by the ACCG which holds that United Nations archaeologists have forged and exaggerated data to hide the decline in looting while engaging in witch hunts to cull dissenting opinions from appearing in archaeological discussions".
The ACCG and its followers hold that the "control freaks intent on crushing the essential, beneficial and educational antiquities trade have signaled that they no longer care about the truth behind the issue of the looting of archaeological sites, and have resolved to slam through their totalitarian agenda anyway. The ACCG are opposed to a world system where every nation offers mutual active assistance to other nations to curb the illicit destruction of their cultural heritage and is in favour of "Internationalism" a passive world system of unrestricted exploitation and free and indiscriminate trade in antiquities.
By the way, read the comments under the InforWar article, right to the bottom. From the similarities of these comments to those received when discussing the indiscriminate trade in antiquities, they appear to show the mindset from which it seems much of the responses to the preservationist position comes from in US coiney circles. Frightening, eh? How do you conduct a rational discussion with that?
Leaked policy documents reveal that the United Nations plans to create a “green world order” by 2012 which will be enforced by a structure of global governance and funded by a gargantuan $45 trillion transfer of wealth from richer countries, as the globalists’ insidious plan to centralize power, crush sovereignty while devastating the economy is exposed once again.
As we warned at the time, the failure of Copenhagen in December did not spell the end of the global warming heist, but merely a roadblock in the UN’s agenda to create a world government funded by taxes paid by you on the very substance you exhale – carbon dioxide.
Using the justification of the vehemently debunked hoax that carbon dioxide is a deadly threat to the planet, the UN is already working to resurrect the failed Copenhagen agreement, with a series of new Copenhagen process negotiations set to take place in April, May and June.
Leaked planning documents (PDF) obtained by Fox News lift the lid on the UN’s plan [...]
The very foundation of the global warming argument has been completely eviscerated by the Climategate scandal, which proved that United Nations IPCC scientists forged and exaggerated data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures while engaging in witch hunts to cull dissenting opinions from appearing in IPPC reports. Despite this, control freaks intent on taxing the life-giving gas carbon dioxide have signaled that they no longer care about the truth behind man-made climate change and have resolved to slam through their totalitarian agenda anyway.
It strikes me that if we replace the words "carbon dioxide" with "antiquities" and "scientists" by "archaeologists" and do a bit of tweaking, we have here the blueprint for many an ACCG anti-UNESCO Convention / anti preservationist declaration.
The ACCG and its followers hold that the "control freaks intent on crushing the essential, beneficial and educational antiquities trade have signaled that they no longer care about the truth behind the issue of the looting of archaeological sites, and have resolved to slam through their totalitarian agenda anyway. The ACCG are opposed to a world system where every nation offers mutual active assistance to other nations to curb the illicit destruction of their cultural heritage and is in favour of "Internationalism" a passive world system of unrestricted exploitation and free and indiscriminate trade in antiquities.
By the way, read the comments under the InforWar article, right to the bottom. From the similarities of these comments to those received when discussing the indiscriminate trade in antiquities, they appear to show the mindset from which it seems much of the responses to the preservationist position comes from in US coiney circles. Frightening, eh? How do you conduct a rational discussion with that?
Vignette: Black helicopter by GearOtter
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