Tuesday 3 July 2012

Hitler Hates Archaeology

Please watch this before the "Die Untergang" folk get it taken down (as they tend to do with a large proportion of the "Downfall memes - it's already happened here), I think however that - compared with many others - this one is very well written indeed, and makes the point extremely cunningly, I hope it stays up.
Hitler hates archaeology from OnionTastic on Vimeo.

For those who do not get the joke, the Archaeology Department in Birmingham University is being "reorganized" (actually reorganized out of existence) and to say that many of us in archaeology think that is a pity were this to happen would be an understatement.

Doug's Archaeology has the story (and the video too, I only spotted it when I started writing the post, but never mind, I think it's so good - and the story behind it so disturbing - as to deserve as wide publicity as we can give it). Visit the website set up to fight the university http://saveiaa.wordpress.com/.

And interestingly, Hitler actually DID hate archaeology, or at least was very sceptical about the use of archaeology by certain other members of the regime to create the mythical past which is the staple of any book on the history of European archaeology discussing this period. See "Hitler's private World revealed - specifically the link here

[As for Hitler the collector, recognise some of the sentiments here?]

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