Tuesday 3 July 2012

Sotheby's Koh-Ker Statue Case, Confidentiality, but we have a Name

Decia Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa, that is the name of the person, previously referred to by title alone, who "owns" the contested Prasat Thom, Koh-Ker statue, snapped off at the feet. This is presumably the lady listed here as 'partner' of Don Marescotti Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa (younger son of Constantino 2nd Prince di Poggio Suasa). She is probably the blonde depicted here showing off her expensive dead animals around her shoulders indoors. Dead animal coat and knocked-off Cambodian statues go together well I feel. 

 Rick St Hilaire: 'Federal Attorneys and Sotheby's Agree to Keep Designated Information Confidential in U.S. v. A 10th Century Cambodian Sandstone Sculpture', July 3, 2012.

UPDATE Nov 14th 2012:
The aforementioned dead animal photo seems to have disappeared from the Internet. Odd that, one moment the lady is so proud of her dead animal remains she's flaunting them on camera indoors at some fancy do, next moment after attention is drawn to it, coincidentally, the photo is being hidden away in shame. Quite right too.  Shame on couldn't-care-less animal slaughter flaunters, shame too on couldn't-care-less culture snatchers. 

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