Monday 2 July 2012

Metal Detecting Under the Microscope: Yorkshire man Accused of Time Banditry

In the Yorkshire Post article See also the related but different text apparently published at the same time: "Battle to stop time bandits selling off our history ", (Yorkshire Post, Saturday 30 June 2012), we read of a Yorkshire case.  The article briefly discusses a man from Rotherham charged with offences of theft linked to illicit metal detecting in Lincolnshire (two different police forces were on this blog in connection with this investigation):
The man is due to appear before magistrates in Skegness next month. The Yorkshire Post understands coins and brooches from the Anglo-Saxon era were seized during a raid on his home in an operation involving police officers from both South Yorkshire and Lincolnshire and English Heritage.
and how many other artefact hunters have stashed away at home things like "coins and brooches from the Anglo-Saxon era" taken, not just from the farmer, but (as these were too) from the fragile and finite archaeological record which is the historical heritage of us all? Surely these people when they damage and erase the archaeological record are ALL 'Time Bandits'?

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