Sunday 2 September 2012

Focus on Metal Detecting: When is a "Metal Detectorist" NOT a "Metal Detectorist"

Lots of interesting things in this thread
For me, the star remark was by John Winter:
I don't think that this night hawker and thief deserves the appellation 'metal detectorist'.
Mr Winter makes the point perfectly. As a PAS recorder, he was indubitably a "metal detectorist" AND a nighthawk. As somebody I know put it:
To claim MDers arent nighthawks is as illogical as saying nighthawks arent MDers. Or burglars aren't shoppers. Its all down to where they are on a particular day, nothing else, and particularly not wishful or illogical thinking. Got it?
No, I honestly think they'll not get it. A metal detector detects metal, a "metal detectorist" detects metal with a metal detector. Whether they are where they should not be when they do it is wholly irrelevant  to the detecting side of it. Some "metal detectorists" look for 20p pieces and stainless steel IKEA spoons on the beach, others seek Roman brooches and coins which they report to eBay, while others report to the PAS, some do it with the knowledge of the landowners, others feel that is a dispensable nicety. They are all, surely detecting metal with metal detectors, so I see no reason why they cannot all be called in Queen's English "metal detectorists".  Mr Winter will have to explain why if he disagrees, otherwise that is just so much windbaggery on his part

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