Friday 8 March 2013

Discussion amongst "Responsible Collectors"

A message posted on another discussion list reveals that reportedly not even the name of this blogger may be mentioned on the Yahoo "Ancientartifacts" (responsible artefact collectors') discussion list.* If they really were responsible about what they do, in any real sense of the word, the list would allow discussion of at least a portion of the issues touched upon in online resources like mine. As time rolls on, it becomes clear that the current state of several areas of artefact collecting (ie "metal detecting" in the UK, and the international commerce in dugup antiquities) cannot abide scrutiny and at the moment is concerned with imposing as wide a censorship as possible. Not even the Portable Antiquities Scheme is free to speak out. How long will the many issues involved in current policies and approaches be continued to be swept under the carpet by all involved?

Where, actually, ARE these "responsible collectors" and why are they so silent?  More to the point, ARE there really many truly "responsible collectors" rather than a whole bunch of people that find it expedient - for various reasons - merely to pay lip-service to the notion?

* As a pointer to the answer, as I mentioned a month ago, the link on the home page to this group's declarative "Voluntary Code of Conduct for Collectors" has been broken for quite a while 

Vignette: Toxic pirates

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