Sunday 12 January 2014

Courthouse Interview with Kapoor

Locked up
Frontline has an interview by R. Ilangovan with Subash Chandra Kapoor, ‘I have been framed’ (Jan 9, 2014).  He said he never traded in stolen goods. His arrest, he claimed, was a part of an international conspiracy.

The charges of idol-lifting against me are as rubbish as the claims that these visuals of stolen idols “resemble” the ones I sold to different buyers. To prove the claims of “resemblance” you need documentary evidence from experts and not a few smudged photographs. [...] The Tamil Nadu Police for some bizarre reasons has framed me in this serious crime. I know who are behind this conspiracy.[...] An art dealer in Singapore, a woman, against whom I won a half-a- million-dollar suit in a Singapore court, is behind this. She used to file email complaints against me, and based on those the Tamil Nadu Police arrested me. It is a conspiracy to destroy my billion-dollar business built studiously on faith and reputation.[...] The Tamil Nadu Police would find it difficult to prove their charges against me.
Kapoor denies any knowledge of recent developments in New York, so could not comment on them.

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