Thursday 1 May 2014

Green Collection and a Certain EBay Dugup Dealer

"One of the pieces now on display in the Vatican exhibition organised by the Green Collection/Museum of the Bible was on sale on eBay from the Turkish seller MixAntik in October 2012 (GC.MS.000462)"

Readers might remember a whole series of posts on this and the PhDiva blogs about this eBay seller who it seems (and by his own account) had access to a new stash of Oxyrhynchus papyri. My posts on this subject include: 
Thursday, 1 November 2012: 'Turkish Seller Offers Erdfrische papyri on EBay'. Sunday, 4 November 2012: 'Istanbul Papyrus Seller Again Changes Identity'. Friday, 14 December 2012: 'Would You Buy Kiswa From this Man?'.
Friday, 4 October 2013: 'Crumpled and Mangled papyrus Fragments on Sale'.
Monday, 3 February 2014: 'Freshly-Surfaced Sappho Papyrus: Where did it come from? '

It seems this seller has been selling stuff in London, it was there he offered to meet Dorothy King in the flesh to discuss his problems with export licences. What is the connection between this and the anonymous London collector who obtained the ripped up papyri fondled by Oxford academic Dirk Obbink on which he found the new poem by Sappho ('No-Questions-Asking UK Academic Reads a Fresly-Uncovered Ripped-up Papyrus from Unknown Source', Wednesday, 29 January 2014)?

Vignette: Where did they come from? Ask a man in a fez?

1 comment:

Brice C. Jones said...

This is interesting! It makes me wonder why, after my post about the Green Collection and the eBay papyrus, I had the most views from London than any other city in the world (out of over 4,000 total page views in two days). Hmm...

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