Wednesday 7 May 2014

Hixenbaugh Does the Impossible?

Ralph Hixenbaugh reckons it's very difficult for buyers of Egyptian antiquities to show it is legally acquired
It is next to impossible to obtain original export documentation, for the hundreds of thousands of privately owned Egyptian antiquities worldwide. Export licenses were often never issued for legitimate sales in the first place. Often items enter the market as a result of inheritance, in many instances documentation does not survive succession. Egyptian items have long been purchased legally by tourists from licensed dealers in Egypt or in Europe. Very few items such as these have any documentation. How many receipts for common everyday purchases survive a day let alone a decade?
Yet in his "recent acquisitions" under Egyptian artefacts we find purchase after purchase of his with fairly detailed information (with names, a rarity on the antiquities market) about their past collecting history, which (if true) gives the potential buyer an idea of how licit the offered items is. I'm not too sure about some of them (the better ones seem to be at the top), but at least what is written up-front here gives the buyer a chance to decide for themselves how best to maintain the hygiene of their collection. It would seem from this that a dealer can still run a successful business in the centre of New York even, and be bale to select from the vast amount of material floating around the market items which can be assigned a kosher collecting history, and reject those that cannot (the latter end up being sold by the cowboy dealers who don't give a damn what they sell). Just to be fair, I'd be grateful for some more nominations in the comments for other dealers who put a somewhat higher quality description of the collecting history up-front in their sales offers ("from an old XXXX collection" does not cut the mustard). I've seen Helios antiquities in England has a similar approach.

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