Thursday 1 May 2014

Who cares? Prolonged Public Silence Over Egypt MOU

The docket of the public comments on the Bulgarian MOU had 228 submissions at this stage of the proceedings (at the end of the second week after the opening of comments) - the Egypt MOU docket has had for the past few days just 21. Is this because the ACCG and its tub-thumpers lost their charisma and America's dugup antiquity collectors are disdainfully ignoring their scare stories and pleas, or is there another explanation? Are the US Department of State in fact receiving hundreds of comments, but refraining from making them visible at the moment, aware that they reflect incredibly badly on the image of the US abroad? If the latter, they'll have to make them visible at the end anyway - but they may then hide them again, as quickly as they did the disgusting show of neo-colonialist xenophobic antiquitist oikery that the "public comments" on the Bulgaria MOU exhibited. 

So far, just four White-hat Guys have commented. Where is the AIA? Where are SAFE's converts? Where are the Coalition?

UPDATE 1st May 2014: 14:20
Welcome to the four readers from "U.S. Department Of State". Go on, please, put up what you've got. Let's see what the US collectors and dealers have to say in their favour. 

UPDATE UPDATE 1st may 2014, 21:00
Hooray, hooray, they squeezed out another four. Grand total of 25 comments now. Two dealers against (one even quite sensibly argued), a Rutgers graduate Alyssa Hagen is for the MOU and a totally lost Ed Snible...

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