Thursday 15 April 2010

UK Wants to Keep Receipts of Sale of ‘Looted’ Italian Treasures….. to Pay Tax Bill

The Annotico Report has a comment (
UK Wants to Keep Receipts of Sale of ‘Looted’ Italian Treasures….. to Pay Tax Bill ) on the upcoming sale of Robert Symes' antiquities:
Britain has long been the greatest recipients of "Looted" Treasures worldwide, made easy because of its former Empire, and their ownership of Colonies. British Museums are NOT full of British Artifacts, but "looted" artifacts from Egypt, India, China, Italy, Africa, etc

Britain's audacity to claim a "looted artifact" (from Italy) to pay a "looters" back taxes is indefensible!!!!
Well, that is an Italian view. I wonder how much the British government is straining itself to defend itself, after all if British archaeologists are in a "partnership" with antiquity collectors, then why should the British government not follow their "lead"?

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