Tuesday 2 October 2012

Focus on Metal Detecting: Locating Roman Burial Sites

A well-known subscription-only database of the location of archaeological sites has just announced an update:
In this update, more than 3000 new sites have been added. This update has concentrated on Roman Burial / Cremation sites. The purpose of this update is to enable ARCHI users to gain an insight into the geographical relationship between Roman burial sites and settlement.
So not at all to help them target known sites in their artefact hunting and collecting and do a bit of grave-robbing for gain.

I have just learnt from my Mum that a site I discovered as a lad and duly reported, so appeared on the SMR (and another I was keeping an eye on, collecting material from the upcast of bunny burrows - in the county unit) have been recently been done over by two metal detectorists who hoiked out a lot of stuff. So far on the PAS database not a hint that any of it was reported. How angry does that make me? Guess.

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