Saturday, 13 October 2012

Health Hazards of Artefact Hunting

Health hazards of "metal detecting" usefully summarised by John Winter ("DETECT and stay well"). Now it's odd isn't it that the PAS never got around to putting something like that out for finders, but then how many metal detecting clubs do either?

There are two recent threads on related issues on a metal detecting forum near you, about the dangers lurking in long grass, and potential problems of venturing in among large farm animals.  They also apply of course to those engaged in archaeological fieldwork.

And to what extent does the handling of 'erdfrisch' corroded metal artefacts harm the health of collectors? 

[It is worth adding that chemicals used in treating artefacts like benzatriazole are carcinogenic, and several solvents commonly used in conservation are toxic and some higly flammable. Metal detectors themselves generate an electromagnetic field - prolongued exposure to which (including the potential generation of harmful nanovibrations) may harm health of humans and farm animals]. 

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