Wednesday 8 January 2014

Bobble hat Detectorists: "No need to explain ourselves"

One of the bobble-hat "DE" detectorists (he's
got two on) who considers me andmy
concerns about artefact hunting
a "laughing stock".
John Winter joins the bobble hat metal detectorists over on the "Detecting England" forum (Re: Oops we did it again' Dec 20th at 9:29 pm), agreeing with them that there really is nothing to discuss about artefact hunting and assuring the members: "No need to explain ourselves". So much then for public debate about the heritage and "responsible detecting".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"So much then for public debate about the heritage and "responsible detecting"."

That's fine. Look where we've got to in this country through trying to negotiate for 15 years with people who are on a completely different track? Not even PAS pretends the solution lies in "Liaisonville" any more.

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