Thursday 2 January 2014

Only Letting 'Bona Fide Detectorists' In

On a metal detecting forum near you, that not so long ago was angling for readers of a newspaper article to drop in and see what they were up to, has just closed its forum to 'members only'. This is in line with most other UK metal detecting forums which hide their members' candid words away from the view of outsiders. In this way those outsiders can have no idea of what goes on between metal detectorists. The reason for this is that there is a very great difference between what they'd like you to believe that they think and do and what they actually do think and do. Of course they invent all sorts of justifications for this lack of transparency. John Winter for example (Tue Dec 24, 2013 11:03 am) approves of this censorship, he writes:
Far from being a 'closed shop', I disagree. It doesn't take long to register and is open to all bona fide detectorists. you are not obliged to post either. I approve of this action by the owner of the forum, which goes some way to prevent troublemakers from accessing the site with the express intention of copying posts and using to their own advantage. Good luck to the Administrator and his staff for the future ... you have made a good start.
I would be interested how one defines a "bona fide destectorist", is that the same as a "responsible metal detectorist"?  Do not members of the public not have a right to know what these people are doing with, and saying about their treatment of, the archaeological heritage without having to become a member of "Detecting England"?

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