Thursday 9 January 2014

US Bikers up in Arms

Bikers are afraid that the realism of this video will affect public opinion
about brown bears on motorbikes and are demanding an apology.
In the US the "Biker Grizzlies Task Force" is up in arms for the upsetting way brown bears on motor bikes are portrayed in a video by a US insurance company (Farmers Insurance TV Spot, 'Bear'). The website has already received dozens of complaints from outraged bike-owners demanding an apology. The Wisconsin "Dog Owners Jogging Assocation" is also believed to be considering legal action over the scene where a jogging dog owner loses control and damages a lady's property. As a spokesman from the company said, "it's ridiculous, these dumb people cannot see this is supposed to be humor and they think the whole film is about them".  In fact, the only group keeping their cool and chuckling at the joke are US metal detectorists, who as we all know can always be relied on to keep a balanced approach. I wonder whether farmers' provide US hobbyists like metal detectorists with third party insurance cover.

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