Wednesday 25 September 2019

Caerwent Grave Robbers use Metal Detectors

Probably, most artefact hunters will see no problem with this, it's not banned by the NCMD 'Code' and they "filled in there 'oles" (and "anywayz, howd'ya know it wasn't badgers, eh?"):
Wentwood Ministry Area 16 hrs
We are sad to report that Caerwent Churchyard has been victim to [artefact hunting]. Some time between Friday evening and early Sunday morning people with metal detectors dug up and left approximately 50 dinner plate sized areas of turf disturbed. We have reported this to the police who have informed us that this is both a heritage crime as well as desecration of consecrated ground. If anyone has any information we would be very pleased to hear from you. Please ring Rev'd Sally [...] or PC Mat Andrews [...]. We would be very grateful if our neighbours as well as visitors to the church and village keep alert for any suspicious behaviour. [...] Please feel free to share this post widely.
It's  a heritage crime, because it is right in the middle of the Roman town, the entire area of which is scheduled

and if we ever see these objects again, they'll be reported to the FLO or anyone else as from an entirely different site altogether. 'Went-y-Gaer' anyone?

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