Wednesday 4 September 2019

UK Chancellor 'Declares End of Austerity'

HMG Complacency
Dearbail Jordan, 'Chancellor Sajid Javid declares end of austerity' BBC 4th September 2019   
The government has declared it has "turned the page on austerity" as it set out plans to raise spending across all departments. Chancellor Sajid Javid outlined £13.8bn of investment in areas including health, education and the police in what he said was the fastest increase in spending for 15 years.
So, the PAS will be getting the funding it needs to keep up with the increasiong rate at which the British public are finding finds then, and saving that information for posterity. Yes?
But the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, accused Mr Javid of "meaningless platitudes". "Do not insult the intelligence of the British people," he added. He accused the government of "pretending to end austerity when they do nothing of the sort".
Still, they are putting 20000 new riot police on the streets, so everybody can feel safe when the Government reaps the rewards of their treatment of the country.

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