Monday 27 December 2010

Five Years on: Traders of looted antiquities have little to fear in UK

Five years ago the Times published an article, mostly about the 2003 Trading in Cultural Property (Offences) Act, in which it concluded "Traders of looted antiquities have little to fear in UK".
The market in illicit antiquities is international and, along with trafficking in arms and drugs, it is a widespread crime. In the global picture, London and Geneva have long been suspected as significant centres through which stolen items pass, but the UK has been slower than others in reacting to the problem.
It is salutary to note that the situation has not changed one iota since then.

Maybe it is time that the decent citizens of the UK, including those collectors so "passionately interested in the past" pressurised the government to do something about it.

Jeremy Summers,'Traders of looted antiquities have little to fear in UK',The Times, October 18, 2005

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