Tuesday 28 December 2010

Gill on the Portable Antiquities Scheme as Preservation

The Papers of the Institute of Archaeology volume 20 (available online) have a forum with the keynote paper by David Gill "The Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Treasure Act: Protecting the Archaeology of England and Wales?". Apart from the editor's introduction, this comprises the following seven components:

Keynote text by David W. J. Gill: The Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Treasure Act: Protecting the Archaeology of England and Wales?"

Trevor Austin: The Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Treasure Act: Protecting the Archaeology of England and Wales? A Response.

Paul Barford: Archaeology, Collectors and Preservation: a Reply to David Gill

Gabriel Moshenska: Portable Antiquities, Pragmatism and the ‘Precious Things’

Colin Renfrew: Comment on the Paper by David Gill

Sally Worrell: The Crosby Garrett Helmet

David W. J. Gill: Reply to Austin, Barford, Moshenska, Renfrew and Worrell

I understand that Roger Bland, head of the PAS, was invited to comment, but did not avail himself of the opportunity (" Unfortunately due to the sensitivity of the subject, PAS itself was less willing to contribute"). The five comments are notable for their varied approach. Renfrew's was quite short, Worrell's concentrated on a single aspect, my own was typically long-winded. Austin's and Moshenska's were real eye-openers.

I'd like to comment on several of the responses in more detail below (Austin, Barford (!), Moshenska, Worrel/PAS).

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