Sunday 28 September 2014

Execution of Human Rights Activist in Mosul, she Criticised Destruction of Historical Monuments

Samira Saleh al-Naimi was kidnapped by masked ISIS militants on 17 September after she allegedly criticised on Facebook the militant group’s destruction of places of worship in Mosul, Iraq. She was then tried for apostasy, which for the militants is considered to be an act of abandoning Islam by converting to another faith, or by committing actions that are against the Muslim faith. She was tortured for five days and having been sentenced to “public execution” was killed on Monday. Her IS abductors took her to a public square in the center of Mosul on Monday evening and shot her. Her Facebook page appears to have been removed since her death. According to the Gulf Centre For Human Rights, Al-Nuaimi was "a prominent lawyer and human rights defender and famous for her activities that include defending detainees and supporting the disadvantaged families in the city".

Gulf Centre for Human Rights, 'Iraq: Lawyer and human rights defender Samira Saleh Al-Naimi executed by ISIS in Mosul', 23rd September 2014.

Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith, 'Isis publicly executes leading lawyer and human rights activist in Iraq', Independent 25th September 2014

Norvell Rose, 'What ISIS Just Did To This Defiant Iraqi Woman In A Very Public Way Is Pure ‘Savagery’..., Western Journalism September 25, 2014

JC Finley, 'Islamic State executes human rights lawyer Samira Saleh al-Naimi', UPI Sept. 25, 2014

Note: There was contradictory material released on the Internet suggesting this story was false, but sadly the news has been confirmed, though the photo widely used of the victim in current news reports was of another woman with the same name.

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