Sunday 22 July 2018

Airport Rhino Statue Stolen

An investigation has been launched in New South Wales, recover a fibreglass rhino statue that was stolen from the turn-off to the Dubbo City Regional Airport  (Jennifer Hoar, 'Dubbo airport rhino statue stolen, $2500 reward for information' Daily Liberal July 20th 2018)
“The audacity of someone to be able to get away and steal a rhino that size … poachers!” Mayor Ben Shields said. [...] “It sounds funny but it’s actually serious … the rhinos are there to promote Dubbo and we’re starting to build a real reputation for being a vibrant city and a lot of that has been on the back of the work of the Taronga Western Plains Zoo. “Now we’ve got this idiot out there that thinks they deserve to have this community asset more than the entire community.
and I wonder whether, when they find him, it'll turn out he has a metal detector too.

1 comment:

Ordinary Bloke said...

“Now we’ve got this idiot out there that thinks they deserve to have this community asset more than the entire community.”

Quit moaning. Britain has 28,000 of them.

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