Friday 24 August 2018

US Coiney Clowns Exposed

US Greedy Clowns
Rick St Hilaire has published an excellent summary of a significant decision,in the US a 4th circuit judgement again affirms U.S. import controls protecting ancient coins from transnational looting and trafficking. Each successive court decision in the case of the ACCG's illegal Baltimore coin importation stunt has strengthened the Cultural Property Implementation Act, the attempts of a small group of dealers to garner money from dealers' associations to carry out their uneffective and ill-conceived 'lobbying' only weakens the position of the very same no-questions-asked antiquities market they are trying to bolster. Will the coineys draw the right conclusions from this? I think while there are still those to give these amateurs the money to carry on, they'll probably carry on clowning.

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