Friday 22 January 2021

UK Detectorists: Coronavirus only Affects Other People

In the UK, the NCMD... 11 January at 20:56
We are closely watching the worsening situation on coronavirus infection rates in England and are very conscious that further general restrictions are likely to be imposed this week. That doesn’t mean we are giving up on lobbying for the safe return of our hobby, and further work has been actioned on that task today [...].
So, the infection rates are going up, and everybody else is going to be tightening the measures, but they, because they think themselves a special exception, want the regulations about travel and being outside their own property to be relaxed just for them... Pathetic. But fortunately not everyone thinks that they are: The National Council for Metal Detecting 11 hours ago:
We thought we’d made progress yesterday but today we are no further forward. We are sorry there is no news to report
Note the number of Covid-deniers replying under this text. 

Meanwhile the UK government has launched a new national campaign 'Look into my eyes': UK government launches hard-hitting 'stay at home' video featuring hospital staff and Covid patients urging people to stay at home during the national lockdown. The advert features testimonials from NHS staff and Covid patients from Basingstoke and North Hampshire hospital. UK metal detectorists are apparently too thick to understand what "stay at home" means.

... ambassadors for the hobby....


Brian Mattick said...

I would have thought that landowners alone should be discussing this with DCMS as it is they and their families who could be put at risk for no good reason.

Dr. Martyn Gleaden said...

"So, the infection rates are going up, and everybody else is going to be tightening the measures, but they, because they think themselves a special exception, want the regulations about travel and being outside their own property to be relaxed just for them... Pathetic."

Not at all true, as usual 🙂

The NCMD has been pursued by metal detectorists demanding action not because they think they're "a special exception" but because the Government has made them a Special Exclusion.

The Government allowed Game, Sea, and Coarse Fishing, and Field Sports i.e. Hunting and Shooting to carry out their "healthy" outdoor sports on private land, despite as you so correctly note, "the infection rates are going up", whilst at the same time denying Metal Detecting and Field Walking without explanation.

Could it be anything to do with Parliamentary Lobbyists and the pastimes of politicians rather than the danger of rampant metal detectorists wilfully spreading disease do you think?

Dr Martyn Gleaden PhD, MA, BSc, BEd

Paul Barford said...

Could be. Perhaps you need better lobbyists than the NCMD. But since PAS cannot actually meet finders to record finds as they were pre-pandemic, then nothing that can be called "responsible detecting" can take place. Fishing and hunting are not subject to the same recording responsibilities as artefact hunting.

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