Wednesday 27 January 2021

Holocaust Remembrance Day

"There is only one thing worse than Auschwitz itself ...
and that is if the world forgets there was such a place
Henry Appel, Auschwitz survivor.

January 27, 2021 we celebrate the 76th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz - Birkenau. The United Nations has declared this day the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. One of the biggest problems affecting the site is its preservation. The Auschwitz I camp was converted from a pre-existing pre-War barracks complex and has mostly brick buildings, while Auschwitz II Birkenau was constructed out of mobile prefabricated wooden stable units, erected on poured concrete foundations. The camp was not built to stand for more than a few years and now conservation is a huge, and costly problem (see here and here). There is thought-provoking fundraising brochure available for downloading here (it is not the current version, but lays out the nature of the problem).



thomas hall said...

Paul, my dear chap, how are you? if I may digress, I have not read your article re- Auschwitz but I suspect it disagrees with that postulated by Professor Norman Finkelstein, a man who lost family in the Shoa and who labels Auschwitz as 'The Jewish Disneyland,' and I must say after purchasing my ice cream from the vendor on the car park, being presented with the fake 'gas chamber, built by Polish labour in 1946 [look closely and you will via the efforts of revisionists see the small brass pate affixed]I then visited the gift shop, had a nice cup of tea in the cafe, had a nice pint in the bar and departed with a totally biased book[ soap from bodies, Jewish female hair used as stuffing for pillows, human pelvises made into stools, etc, which confirmed my original conception that if here is money to be made from deception then the Jews are past masters at it, or do you disagree???By the way, there was in the year 1933 a club footed individual, editor of a publication known as the Volkischer Beobachter who used the same tactics as yourself, Putin uses them as does Kim-Joon um, as do all dictators, but you slide beneath them hide beneath the falsehood of 'comment modification' what the club-footed individual previously mentioned would have immediately recognised as censorship, or an I missing something here??

Paul Barford said...

Thomas hall, UK metal detectorist folks and a Holocaust denier also it seems. It is difficult to see how to react to that. I think actually that he is missing rather a lot.

"Paul, my dear chap, how are you? if I may digress, I have not read your article re- Auschwitz but I suspect it disagrees with that postulated by Professor Norman Finkelstein, a man who lost family in the Shoa and who labels Auschwitz as 'The Jewish Disneyland,' and I must say after purchasing my ice cream from the vendor on the car park, being presented with the fake 'gas chamber, built by Polish labour in 1946 [look closely and you will via the efforts of revisionists see the small brass pate affixed]I then visited the gift shop, had a nice cup of tea in the cafe, had a nice pint in the bar and departed with a totally biased book [soap from bodies, Jewish female hair used as stuffing for pillows, human pelvises made into stools, etc, which confirmed my original conception that if here is money to be made from deception then the Jews are past masters at it, or do you disagree??? By the way, there was in the year 1933 a club footed individual, editor of a publication known as the Volkischer Beobachter who used the same tactics as yourself, Putin uses them as does Kim-Joon um, as do all dictators, but you slide beneath them hide beneath the falsehood of 'comment modification' what the club-footed individual previously mentioned would have immediately recognised as censorship, or an I missing something here??"
Goebbels had a club foot but was never editor of VB (at the time to which he refers that was Alfred Rosenberg). Finkelstein is no longer a professor, and is hardly an authority, and as far as I am aware has never written that Auschwitz did not exist. There certainly was a gas chamber in Auschwitz I and five in Auschwitz II, whatever sick-headed "revisionists" who read the documentary sources selectively tell their gullible audiences. I do not believe that Mr Hall bought a book IN the camp that talked of human soap. This myth was long ago addressed and the Museum is very careful about the publications it sells. No, I do not think that Auschwitz, or any of the Project Reinhardt camps were "deceptions" created to make money from. The deception comes later when people tried to pretend they had not existed, and had not been constructed for the purpose that the Nazis built them for. And I'll wager that I have seen at first hand much more evidence than Mr Hall has. And for the record, whatever they sell in the carpark, I'd never dream of wandering around either of the Auschwitz sites eating an ice-cream, nor is there a "cafe" with beer in either of them.

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