Monday 28 March 2022

Just a Novice, Seen it on TV: Can't be Expected to "No the Lore"?

            A man      

Claire Harrison, 'Novice metal detectorist stopped by police for Roman treasure hunt at protected site', Coventry Telegraph 28 MAR 2022
A novice Warwickshire metal detector enthusiast was arrested for undertaking a Roman treasure hunt at a protected monument [...] the man, who has not been identified, explained under caution that he had been hoping to find Roman treasure as he went about detecting on [a Scheduled Ancient] Monument [...] protected under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. During the joint investigation, the man's home was searched by the teams and detecting equipment seized. "Also seized was were a number of ‘finds’ we can accurately describe as buttons, bones and buckles", the rural crime team said on its page on Facebook. "The matter was concluded with a conditional caution for the offender, who made a full and frank admission to the offence.
How many finds were seized? How "novice" is "novice"? Why is a metal detectorist digging up bones?  We note that the newspaper journalist reporting this does not know the correct name for this type of protected site, nor knows tha there is a Portable Antiquities Scheme she should have asked for comment and criticism of this bloke. But then, this is the very same Warwickshire FLO that was just a fortnight or so ago doing "outreach" on "Henry Coles' Great British Treasure Hunt". Innit?

And the comment underneath the article is a classic:
Scooby112 7 HRS AGO
The police won't do anything about burglary or car theft but will come out in force over a few bits of rusty metal. Their priorities are completely wrong.

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