Monday 7 March 2022

Newsy Documentary: The God Thieves

 In Real Life: The God Thieves   By Nelufar Hedayat   March 6, 2022 

Join Nelufar Hedayat and Newsy's "In Real Life" for an exploration of the multi-billion-dollar trade in trafficked artefacts, from Nepal to the United Kingdom to New York City, to see the human cost of the international market for looted antiquities.

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An interesting documentary on an important topic, well-constructed and fast-paced. The camerawork is superb. I liked the use of graphics to show the movement on one piece and the disappearance of others. I don't think I have seen that before and it's an effective technique. What really comes home here is the struggle between cultural erosion due to the pace of modernisation and also the loss that is felt by a community already facing that when items are taken to fuel the no-questions-asked "art" market. The point is made that for their creators and users, these are so much more than just artfully carved pieces of wood that are used as trophies by some rich guy.

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