Thursday 3 March 2022

Charles Ede Promotes Militarism?

Incunabula (@incunabula 4 g) notes:
"Talking of weapons of mass destruction being used in Ukraine, can we sell you an ancient spear...?" Horrifically misguided marketing email from the London antiquities dealers Charles Ede - using the ongoing murder of civilians in Ukraine as a hookline to sell Bronze Age weapons.
I think we should also look very carefully at where a lot of the prehistoric metalwork that is currently "surfacing" on the UK market is actually comiong from - even though some of it gets collection histories claiming it came from somewhere else... Incunabula also correctly notes that using the term "the Ukraine" implies the country is just a region of Russia, rather than a free and independent country - exactly the lie that the Russian government is trying to promulgate. I guess Martin Clist, the hapless author of this promotional piece got a little carried away trying to make his goods look "relevant" to the modern world and failing.

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